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JAMB 2019 Biology past questions & answers (+PDF download)

UTME 2019/2020


TIME: 7:00AM

Below is the day one questions and answers. Feel free to point out any answer you think is incorrect using the comment box below.

2019/2020 JAMB Past Questions and Answers on Biology

1. The biome that is characterized by large herbivores, few and scattered fire-resistant trees is called ___

Ans: savanna

2 Nephridium is a structure that removes waste product from the body of ___

Ans: an earthworm

3. The joint between the femur and tibia is known as

Ans: hinge joint

4. The part that attracts insects for pollination is

Ans: II (what is represented by "II"?)

5. An example of insects that undergo complete metamorphosis is

Ans: butterfly

6. The structure is adapted for

Ans: omnivores

7. The lung of the lungfish is an adaption for respiration

Ans: to compliment gills while in water

8. Which of the following is an adaption of grassland vegetation

Ans:  possession of fewer tree branches bearing large-sized numbers of leaves

9. The protists that is a producer in an aquatic food chain is

Ans:  Chlamydomonas

10. The diagram represents a (diagram not added yet)

Ans: wind vane

11. An example of an insect that undergoes complete metamorphosis is

Ans: butterfly

12. The feeding relationship among a set of members of a community is referred to as 

Ans:  food web

13. The colour of the left eye of two out of three newly born kittens of the same parents is different from the right eyes because of

Ans: mutation

14. The ability to taste PTC in some individuals is a characteristic that is

Ans: heritable

15. The part labeled III [diagram missing] is 

Ans: guinea savanna

16. Red blood cells are also known as

Ans: erythrocytes

17. The dentition [diagram missing] is found in

Ans: man

18. The bacteria that is spherically shaped is called

Ans: coccus

19. The excretory products common to both plants and animals are

Ans: water and carbon(iv) oxide

20. The continuous absence of iron in a diet of man result to

Ans: anemia

21. Epiphytic plants are more abundant in the part labeled [diagram missing]

Ans: IV

22. The level of organization of Amoeba and Eagle a cell is

Ans: cell

23. The instrument is used to measure

Ans: direction of wing

25. The soil component which has the ability to retain a high amount of water is

Ans: clay

26. The modification in structure physiology and behaviour of plant and animals is called

Ans: adaption

27. Agglutination can occur during blood transmission when

Ans: blood of incompatible blood groups is mixed

28. The host of Taenia solium is

Ans: pig

30. When an ovary is placed on the receptacle above the other floral parts is referred to as

Ans: superior ovary

31. An example of an organism which exists as a colony is

Ans: volvox

32. Size, colour, and fingerprints are examples of 

Ans: morphological variation

33. The allele which phenotypically expresses itself from heterogeneous pairing is said to be

Ans: a hybrid

34. Which of the following is a characteristic of fungus? C

Ans: they are both saprophytic and parasitic

35. Carbon(iv) oxide is added to the atmosphere when


36. The soil type which when present in high proportion will not support the cultivation of vegetable is

Ans: clay

37. In mosses, the structure which performs the function of water absorption is the

Ans: rhizoids

38. The matured sex cell which takes place in sexual reproduction is referred to as

Ans: gamete

39. The most efficient respiratory structure used by free-living protozoan is

Ans: body surface

40. Which of the following factors can reduce the population of a


Ans: emigration

More JAMB BIOLOGY 2019 questions and answers

1. Movement of manufactured food from the leaves to other parts of the plant is

Ans: translocation

2. The part where fertilization takes place is labeled [diagram missing]

Ans: III

3. The level of organization in onion bulb is

Ans: organ

4. The possession of short string and conical beak for picking and cracking seed is an adaptive feature of

Ans: weaver bird

5. Gaseous exchange in plants takes place through the

Ans: stomata

6. The part labeled ii is the [diagram missing]

Ans: suture

7. The predominance of grasses with scattered trees are characteristics features of

Ans: grassland

8. In plants, auxin is produced in the

Ans: apices

9. The blood group AB is called

Ans: universal acceptor

10. A diploid individual carrying two different alleles if a gene on its two homologous chromosomes is referred to as

Ans: heterozygote

11. Photosynthesis, respiration, and decay are important processes which bring about the recycling of

Ans: carbon(iv)oxide

12. The illustration represents [diagram missing]

Ans: mitosis

13. Which of the following structural feature is involved in regulating heat loss from the body

Ans: body size and shape

14. Dissolved gasses, turbidity, and density are ecological that effect

Ans: aquatic habitat

15. Under secretion of pituitary hormones in children lead to

Ans: dwarfism

16. The law of the inheritance of acquired traits was postulated by

Ans: Lamarck

17. A trait that is expressed in an offspring when two individuals with contrasting characters are crossed is

Ans: dorminant

18. Which of the following is a biotic factor in an ecosystem

Ans: predation

Download JAMB BIOLOGY 2019 questions and answers

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