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List of Private Universities in Nigeria and their websites

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Looking for the list of private universities in Nigeria and their official websites? This post has what you need. In this post I want to list all the private universities in Nigeria and the official websites of each of the schools. I hope the list is complete, but, if there is any private university missing in the list below please mention it in the comment box below this post and we will add it. Thanks.

List of private universities in Nigeria and their websites

  1. Achievers University, Owo: http://www.achievers.edu.ng
  2. Adeleke University,Ede: http://www.adelekeuniversity.edu.ng
  3. Afe Babalola University, Ado-Ekiti – Ekiti State: http://www.abuad.edu.ng/
  4. African University of Science & Technology, Abuja: http://aust-abuja.org/
  5. Ajayi Crowther University, Ibadan: http://www.acu.edu.ng/
  6. Al-Hikmah University, Ilorin: https://www.alhikmah.edu.ng/
  7. American University of Nigeria, Yola: http://www.aun.edu.ng/
  8. Babcock University,Ilishan-Remo: http://www.babcockuni.edu.ng/
  9. Baze University: http://www.bazeuniversity.edu.ng/
  10. Bells University of Technology, Otta: http://www.bellsuniversity.org/
  11. Benson Idahosa University,Benin City: http://www.idahosauniversity.com/
  12. Bingham University, New Karu: http://www.binghamuni.edu.ng
  13. Bowen University, Iwo: http://www.bowenuniversity-edu.org
  14. Caleb University, Lagos: http://www.calebuniversity.edu.ng
  15. Caritas University, Enugu: http://www.caritasuni.edu.ng/
  16. CETEP City University, Lagos: http://www.cetepuniversity.com
  17. Covenant University Ota: http://www.covenantuniversity.edu.ng/
  18. Crawford University Igbesa: http://www.crawforduniversity.edu.ng
  19. Crescent University: http://www.crescent-university.edu.ng
  20. Elizade University, Ilara-Mokin: http://www.elizadeuniversity.edu.ng
  21. Evangel University, Akaeze
  22. Fountain Unveristy,Oshogbo: http://www.fountainuniversity.edu.ng/
  23. Godfrey Okoye University, Ugwuomu-Nike – Enugu State
  24. Gregory University, Uturu: http://www.gregoryuniversity.com/
  25. Igbinedion University Okada: http://www.iuokada.edu.ng/
  26. Joseph Ayo Babalola University, Ikeji-Arakeji: http://www.jabu.edu.ng/
  27. Katsina University, Katsina: http://www.katsinauniversityportal.net/
  28. Landmark University, Omu-Aran: http://www.lmu.edu.ng/
  29. Lead City University, Ibadan: http://www.lcu.edu.ng
  30. Madonna University, Okija: http://www.madonnauniversity.edu.ng/
  31. Mcpherson University, Seriki Sotayo, Ajebo
  32. Nigerian-Turkish Nile University, Abuja: http://www.ntnu.edu.ng
  33. Novena University, Ogume: http://www.novenauniversity.edu.ng
  34. Obong University, Obong Ntak: http://www.obonguniversity.net
  35. Oduduwa University, Ipetumodu – Osun State: http://www.oduduwauniversity.com
  36. Pan-African University, Lagos: http://www.pau.edu.ng
  37. Paul University, Awka – Anambra State: http://www.pauluniversity.edu.ng
  38. Redeemer’s University, Mowe: http://www.run.edu.ng
  39. Renaissance University,Enugu: http://www.renaissanceuniversityng.com
  40. Rhema University, Obeama-Asa – Rivers State
  41. Salem University,Lokoja: http://www.salemuniversity.org
  42. Samuel Adegboyega University,Ogwa.
  43. Southwestern University, Oku Owa
  44. Tansian University,Umunya: http://www.tansian-edu.com
  45. University of Mkar, Mkar: http://www.unimkar.edu.ng
  46. Veritas University: http://www.veritas.edu.ng
  47. Wellspring University, Evbuobanosa – Edo State: http://www.wellspringuniversity.net
  48. Wesley Univ. of Science & Tech.,Ondo: http://www.wusto.edu.ng
  49. Western Delta University, Oghara: http://www.wduniversity.net
  50. Wukari Jubilee University: http://www.wukarijubileeuniversity.org/
via justnaira
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