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15 Top Secrets To Pass WAEC Exam With A's And B's

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How To Pass 2022 Waec Exam
How To Pass 2022 Waec Exam

One of the most feared examinations by students and candidates in the history of Nigeria and West Africa is The West Africa Examinations Council (WAEC).

Over the years, WAEC has recorded more failures than successes each year.

Still, one of the most crucial examinations you need to write as a Nigerian student is the WAEC exam.

Does that mean it is impossible to pass the WAEC examination in one sitting? No, at least we have a fair percentage of those who pass this exam in one sitting.

You can be part of those who will pass in one sitting and level up in your academic career.

But how? This article will help and guide you on how to pass your 2022 WAEC exam with A's and B's.

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Important Facts You Should Know

WAEC Exam Failure Statistics From The Past 10 Years

About 78.65 failed the WAEC exam in 2010
69% failed in 2011
62% failed in 2012
70% failed in 2014
70% failed in 2016
63% failed in Maths and English in 2018
73% failed in 2019

These statistics are not to scare you off about the exam but to help you know how you should prepare very well to pass in one sitting.

15 Top Secrets To Pass WAEC 2022 Exam With A's and B's

1. Correct Your Wrong Perception About WAEC Exam

If you ever want to pass your 2022 WAEC exam this is the first thing you will ever need.

What are your beliefs and perceptions about the exam? Research shows that a lot of candidates have wrong perceptions about the WAEC exam.

"What you think you become. What you feel you attract. And what you imagine you create." - Buddha

A lot of people have told you their bad experiences when writing the WAEC exam and you have unconsciously input them into your mind and system.

If you're still walking around with this kind of mindset, belief, and perception you are likely to fail the exam.

As a WAEC 2022 candidate, you need to correct your wrong belief and perception before it's too late.

2. Start Preparation Now

"The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today." - Jackson Brown

One of the causes for mass failure in WAEC is late preparation.

WAEC exam is not like JAMB where you are required to write only 4 subjects. You need to write at least 8 subjects in your WAEC exam and that calls for early preparation. Most of the candidates don't read until WAEC Timetable is out.

This shouldn't be your case if you want to pass the exam in one sitting. You should start reading and preparing for the exam now.

3. Be Focused And Determined

"The path to success is to take massive, determined action." - Tony Robbins

Nothing kills a WAEC candidate like a lack of focus and determination. To pass the WAEC exam in one sitting is not an easy task. This is not the time you have to be distracted by a lot of things.

Leave social media, partying, games, and fun for some time and focus on your exam. If at all you will be active on social media make sure you're going there to learn, read, and study for your exam.

4. Have A Personal Timetable

“Striving for success without hard work is like trying to harvest where you haven’t planted.” ― David Bly

You don't need to wait for the WAEC timetable before you start studying for the exam.

Select all the 8 or 9 subjects you want to write in the WAEC exam. Create a timetable for all the 9 subjects and start reading and studying. This will help you a lot to pass the exam.

5. Find Out Your Weaknesses

You rarely find a student who is very good in all subjects. That is, a high percentage of students are not good in all their subjects. They are either weak in one subject or two.

As a student who wants to pass your 2022 WAEC exam in one sitting, it is a must you find out your weaknesses and work on them as soon as possible.

For instance, as a science student, you might be weak in physics or chemistry. You should find someone who is good in the subjects you're weak in to teach you and study together.

You can't pass the exam if you are weak in some subjects especially if they are your department's core subject.

NB: Do you want to catapult your learning and prepare for the 2022 WAEC exam faster than possible? If yes, click the link below to access EduPadi Classroom for FREE where you will get access to all WAEC Past Questions and Answers in one place. Click here to get access now!

6. Avoid Schools With Bad Reputations

“It is better to be alone than in bad company." - George Washington

This is one of the causes of failure in the WAEC exam many people are not talking about. Some schools have bad reputations in the WAEC database majorly because of examination malpractices. From my experience, WAEC intentionally fails schools like this to punish them for their offences.

If you write your WAEC exam in schools like these you have already failed. I will strongly advise you to avoid schools with bad reputations at all costs. If your school has a bad reputation, it is better for you to register for your WAEC exam elsewhere than to fail.

7. Study And Practice WAEC Past Questions And Answers

Studying and practising WAEC past questions and answers is something you don't want to joke about if you want to pass the 2022 WAEC exam in one sitting.

Over the years, WAEC kept repeating past questions each year. This means there are not many new topics and questions in the exam. Apart from knowing the structure of how WAEC set their questions, you will gain experience and know what to expect in the exam.

READ ALSO: WAEC Past Questions And Answers PDF Download

8. Take WAEC Mock Examination

A good advantage for you to pass your 2022 WAEC exam is to write WAEC mock examination. You will get to know what to expect and erase all your fears for the exam. If you do well in your mock exam there's a chance you will perform well in the real exam.

9. Join WAEC Groups And Discussion Forum

A lot is going on in WAEC groups and online discussion forums and this is a great avenue for you to learn, upgrade yourself, and learn new things before your exam day.

10. Have A Good And Legible Handwriting

Having good and readable handwriting is an important factor in passing your 2022 WAEC exam. A lot of students fail because of poor handwriting. What do you expect the examiner to mark when he or she can't see what you write?

If you are battling with poor handwriting please go and adjust before the day of your exam.

11. Read To Understand, Don't Cram

Many students are fond of cramming notes and they end up failing when they can't remember all they have crammed. The best solution for you is to read to understand what you read and not to cram.

12. Engage In Group Reading

Engaging in a group reading, studying, asking, and answering questions together can help you a lot. Get yourself in the company of serious people and study together.

Do you want to write the WAEC exam and pass with distinctions? Download EduPadi WAEC App Here

13. Get WAEC Recommended Textbooks And Novels

Some students neglect buying textbooks and novels for the exam. This won't do any good. Even if you don't have money to buy textbooks and novels, you can easily borrow them from your seniors and start studying them if you want to pass the exam.

14. Test Your Knowledge

A good way to know if you understand all that you are reading and proof that you are ready for the exam is to test your knowledge.

15. Pray Before And After The Exam

If you are the type that believes in prayer then you should pray on your 2022 WAEC exam. With my experience, prayer can help you in the success of your exam. But you should pray only when you have done the necessary things.

Prayer doesn't work for the lazy students but for hard-working ones.

In conclusion, it is not easy to pass your WAEC exam in one sitting but it is possible with hard work and good reading. These top secrets I just shared with you can make or break you in your 2022 WAEC exam. You might want to read these tips again for a deeper understanding.

UP NEXT: Important Things To Do On Your Exam Day And Frequently Asked Questions

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