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Youth Empowerment Skills In Nigeria - The Top 6

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Youth Empowerment Skills
Youth Empowerment Skills

Youth empowerment skills refer to the abilities and competencies that young people need to become active, responsible, and engaged members of their communities. 

These skills help young people build confidence, take initiative, and make informed decisions while fostering their sense of purpose and social responsibility. 

Examples of youth empowerment skills include communication, critical thinking, problem-solving, leadership, and financial literacy, among others. 

By developing these skills, young people are equipped to tackle the challenges they face in their personal and professional lives and contribute to the well-being of their communities.

However, in this blog article, we will discuss the kinds of youth empowerment skills and the importance of youth empowerment skills.

Let's dive into it.

What Are Youth Empowerment Skills?

Youth empowerment skills are a set of abilities, competencies, and qualities that enable young people to become active, self-sufficient, and confident members of society. 

These skills help them to effectively participate in decision-making processes, identify and pursue their goals, develop healthy relationships, and engage in their communities in meaningful ways. 

Examples of youth empowerment skills include critical thinking, communication, leadership, problem-solving, teamwork, and emotional skills.

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6 Types Of Youth Empowerment Skills

Youth empowerment is a vital part of any institutionalized community and is often viewed as a gateway to youth-related activities. 

Thus, the six types of skills for empowering youth: 

1. Psychological Empowerment Skills

Psychological empowerment refers to the feelings of competence, autonomy, and impact individuals experience in their work and personal lives. 

These feelings of empowerment can lead to increased motivation, job satisfaction, and overall well-being. 

The following are some of the key skills that can help individuals develop a sense of psychological empowerment:

(a) Self-awareness: Understanding one's strengths, weaknesses, values, and beliefs can help individuals to make informed decisions and take control of their lives.

(b) Goal-setting: Setting realistic and meaningful goals can give an individual a sense of purpose and direction, which can help increase the quality of their lives. 

(c) Active problem-solving: Instead of simply reacting to challenges and problems, individuals can learn to actively identify and solve problems to feel more in control of their lives.

(d) Effective communication: Good communication skills can help individuals express their thoughts and feelings, build stronger relationships, and negotiate effectively in personal and professional settings.

(e) Time management: Being able to prioritize tasks and manage one's time effectively can help individuals feel more in control of their lives and reduce feelings of stress and overwhelm.

By developing these skills and using them to assert control over their lives, individuals can experience a greater sense of psychological empowerment and lead more fulfilling lives.

2. Community Empowerment Skills

Community empowerment is the process by which individuals and communities gain control over the factors that influence their lives and well-being. 

This can involve increasing access to resources and decision-making power, building strong relationships and networks, and developing a sense of ownership and responsibility for community issues and solutions. 

The following are some of the key skills that can help individuals and communities to achieve empowerment:

(a) Leadership: Developing leadership skills can help individuals and communities to take an active role in shaping their futures and creating positive change.

(b) Collaboration: Building strong, collaborative relationships within and across communities can help to create a sense of collective power and increase the impact of collective action.

(c) Advocacy: Developing advocacy skills can help individuals and communities to make their voices heard, influence decision-makers, and advocate for policies and resources that support their needs and priorities.

(d) Capacity building: Providing training and support to help individuals and communities build the skills, knowledge, and networks they need to address community challenges and pursue their goals.

Developing these skills will empower young people to take control of their lives and communities which can lead to more fulfilling and equitable lives. 

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3. Economic Empowerment Skills

Economic empowerment is the process of improving the economic status and financial stability of individuals, communities and households through access to financial services, education and training, and the development of entrepreneurial and job skills. 

These empowerment skills aim to help people gain greater control over their financial lives, improve their standard of living and achieve greater financial independence.

Some of these economic empowerment skills are: 

(a) Financial literacy and education: Financial literacy is the knowledge and skills required to make informed decisions about managing money. 

It includes understanding financial concepts such as budgeting, savings, credit, debt, and investment. 

Financial education can help individuals make informed decisions about their finances and develop a solid financial foundation.

(b) Entrepreneurial skills: This refers to the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required to start and run a successful business. 

This includes understanding market demand, creating a business plan, identifying and accessing sources of funding, and managing financial resources.

(c) Job skills training: Job skills training helps individuals acquire the technical skills and knowledge needed to secure and retain employment. 

This can include training in areas like computer skills, customer service, and specific industry-related skills.

(d) Access to financial services: Access to financial services, such as banking, insurance, and microfinance, is essential to develop economic empowerment. 

These services provide individuals and households with a means of saving and investing their money, accessing credit, and protecting their assets.

(e) Networking and mentorship: Building networks and relationships with others in the community, as well as seeking mentorship and guidance from experienced individuals, can help individuals develop their entrepreneurial and job skills, and connect with potential customers and employers.

Overall, economic empowerment skills enable individuals and communities to take control of their financial lives, build wealth, and secure a better future for themselves and their families.

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4. Organizational Empowerment Skills

Organizational empowerment is a management approach that aims to provide employees with the resources, information, and support they need to take ownership of their work and make decisions that drive organizational success. 

It involves creating a supportive work environment where employees feel confident, competent, and motivated to take on new responsibilities and drive positive change. 

Meanwhile, here are some key skills associated with organizational empowerment:

(a) Communication Skills: Effective communication is essential for empowering employees. 

This includes the ability to convey information effectively, listen to feedback, and engage in productive conversations with employees.

(b) Delegation Skills: A successful leader must be dynamic and skilful at delegating tasks and responsibilities to others. 

It involves identifying the right people for the job, setting clear expectations, and providing the necessary resources and support for success.

(c) Trust-Building Skills: Empowerment requires a strong trust between leaders and employees. Leaders must have the ability to build trust through transparency, honesty, and integrity.

(d) Collaboration Skills: Empowered employees must have the ability to work effectively with others to achieve common goals. 

Leaders must foster collaboration and teamwork, where employees feel comfortable sharing ideas, feedback, and constructive criticism.

(e) Decision-Making Skills: Empowered employees must be able to make decisions independently and with confidence. 

Leaders must provide employees with the resources and information they need to make informed decisions, and encourage employees to take calculated risks.

In summary, organizational empowerment skills are essential for leaders who want to create a culture of ownership, engagement, and innovation. 

By developing these skills, leaders can build a strong foundation for empowering their employees and driving organizational success.

5. Social Empowerment Skills

Social empowerment skills refer to abilities and competencies that enable individuals to assert their rights, participate in decision-making processes, and take control of their lives. 

The key components of these skills include self-awareness, communication, critical thinking, problem-solving, decision-making, interpersonal skills, leadership, and emotional intelligence. 

Individuals can develop these skills through education, training, and life experiences and crucial for individuals to participate in society and make positive changes in their lives and communities. 

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6. Cultural Empowerment Skills

Cultural empowerment refers to the act of promoting and strengthening the cultural identity, heritage, and agency of individuals or communities. 

It aims to increase their awareness, understanding, and appreciation of their cultural values, beliefs, and practices to enhance their ability to make informed decisions about their own lives and to participate actively in their communities.

Individuals can develop cultural empowerment skills through various means, including:

(a) Cultural education and awareness: This involves gaining knowledge about one's own culture, as well as learning about other cultures, their histories, traditions, and practices. 

This is possible through various sources such as books, online resources, cultural events, and workshops.

(b) Cultural skills and techniques: This includes learning specific skills and techniques related to one's cultural heritage, such as traditional music, dance, or culinary arts. These skills not only promote cultural identity but also provide a sense of pride and accomplishment.

(c) Cultural communication and expression: Cultural empowerment involves expressing oneself in a culturally appropriate and meaningful way, whether through language, music, art, or other forms of cultural expression. It helps individuals to connect with their cultural heritage and to share it with others.

(d) Cultural leadership and participation: Cultural empowerment requires individuals to be active participants in their communities and to take on leadership roles in promoting their cultural heritage. 

Individuals can do this by participating in cultural events, organizing community projects, or volunteering for cultural organizations.

In summary, cultural empowerment skills are crucial for individuals and communities to maintain their cultural heritage, identity, and agency to participate actively and effectively in the world around them.


To support the development of youth empowerment skills, individuals and organizations can take the following actions:

  • Encourage and support young people in setting and achieving personal and professional goals.
  • Provide opportunities for young people to learn and practice leadership skills through clubs, organizations, and community projects.
  • Foster a growth mindset by encouraging young people to embrace challenges, take risks, and learn from their experiences.
  • Teach and model effective communication, teamwork, and conflict-resolution skills.
  • Promote financial literacy and provide resources and opportunities to help young people develop strong financial management skills.

By investing in the development of youth empowerment skills, we can help young people become confident and capable leaders who can drive positive change in their communities, nations and the world.

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