Alternative Uses of Land - SS1 Agriculture Lesson Note
Land is a finite resource, and its allocation for various purposes competes with agricultural needs. Here are some key points regarding alternative land uses:
a. Urbanization and Industrialization: As populations grow, there is increased pressure to convert agricultural land into urban areas, industrial zones, and infrastructure development like roads and railways. This conversion is often irreversible and diminishes available farmland.
b. Housing and Commercial Development: The expansion of cities and the demand for housing and commercial spaces encroach upon agricultural land. This is especially prominent in rapidly developing regions.
c. Infrastructure Projects: The construction of highways, airports, and other public projects can lead to the appropriation of agricultural land, affecting its availability for farming.
d. Mining and Natural Resource Extraction: Extraction activities, such as mining and logging, can degrade fertile land or even render it unusable for agriculture.
e. Land Conservation: Initiatives to protect natural habitats and biodiversity may limit agricultural expansion in certain areas.