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Authority - SS1 Government Lesson Note

Authority in government refers to the right and ability of the government to exercise power and make decisions that are binding on its citizens and institutions. It is the legitimacy of power that the government holds and its ability to enforce its decisions.

Authority in government can be derived from various sources, such as the Constitution, laws, elections, appointments, and tradition. It can be centralized in a single individual or institution, or it can be distributed among different branches of government and societal actors.

The exercise of authority in government is often a complex and dynamic process that involves the negotiation, cooperation, and competition between various actors and interests. It is essential for the maintenance of order and stability within a society.

The legitimacy of authority in government is crucial for its effectiveness and acceptance by the citizens. It depends on factors such as adherence to the rule of law, transparency, accountability, and responsiveness to the needs and demands of the people.

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