Changing Decimals to Percentages - JSS1 Mathematics Lesson Note
Converting a decimal to a percentage involves multiplying the decimal by 100. Here is how you do it:
Example 1: Convert 0.4 to a percentage.
Step 1: Multiply 0.4 by 100:
Therefore, 0.4 as a percentage is 40%.
Example 2: Convert 0.625 to a percentage.
Step 1: Multiply 0.625 by 100:
0.625×100= 62.5%
So, 0.625 as a percentage is 62.5%.
Changing percentages to decimals: Divide the percentage by 100.
Changing decimals to percentages: Multiply the decimal by 100.
These conversions are straightforward and useful in various contexts, such as calculating taxes, discounts, or interest rates.