Components of Agriculture, Crop Production, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing - SS1 Economics Lesson Note
Agriculture is a broad field that encompasses several different components. Some of the major components of agriculture include crop production, livestock management, forestry, and fishing.
Crop production involves the cultivation of crops such as fruits, vegetables, grains, and oilseeds. This involves planting, growing, and harvesting crops, as well as managing pests, diseases, and other threats to crop health.
Livestock management involves the raising and caring of domesticated animals such as cows, pigs, chickens, and sheep. This includes feeding, breeding, and maintaining the health of the animals, as well as managing their waste and byproducts.
Forestry involves the management and conservation of forests and other natural resources. This includes planting and harvesting trees, as well as managing wildlife, water resources, and other aspects of forest ecosystems.
Fishing involves the catching and harvesting of fish and other aquatic organisms. This can include commercial fishing, as well as recreational fishing and aquaculture.