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Literature in English - JSS1 English Language Lesson Note

What is Literature?

Literature is like a giant umbrella that covers all kinds of creative writing. It can be stories (fiction) or true accounts (non-fiction). The main thing is that it's well-written and uses language in a special way to create emotions, paint pictures with words, and make us think.

Types of Literature:

  • Poetry: Uses beautiful language, rhythm, and rhyme to express feelings and ideas. Think of short, catchy verses or long, flowing poems.

  • Prose: This is the everyday writing style used in stories, novels, essays, and even letters. It can be fiction (made-up stories) or non-fiction (true accounts).

  • Drama: Plays written to be performed by actors on stage. They usually involve dialogue, action, and characters coming to life.

  • Literature Terms:

    • Plot: The sequence of events that happen in the story.
    • Characters: The people (or animals!) in the story, their personalities, and how they interact.
    • Setting: Where and when the story takes place.
    • Theme: The main message or idea the author wants us to think about.


    Folktales are special stories passed down through generations, usually by word of mouth. They often involve:

    • Animals that talk or act like humans.
    • Magic or fantastical elements.
    • Lessons or morals to be learned.
    • Simple plots and clear messages.

    Examples of Folktales:

    • Why the Tortoise Has a Cracked Shell (Nigerian folktale)
    • The Three Little Pigs
    • The Lion and the Mouse

    Literature is a fun adventure! As you read more, you'll discover different genres, characters you love (or hate!), and exciting worlds to explore. Remember, there are no wrong answers when it comes to understanding literature. The most important thing is to enjoy the stories and what they have to teach us.

    Keep an eye out for these things as you read:

    • How does the author use words to create a feeling or image?
    • What challenges do the characters face?
    • What lessons can we learn from the story?
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