Convert fractions to percentages, percentages to fractions - JSS1 Mathematics Lesson Note
Convert fractions to percentages: To convert a fraction to a percentage, multiply the fraction by 100%. For example:
1/4= 0.25= 0.25×100%= 25%
4/1 =0.25=0.25×100%=25%
2/3= 0.6667≈ 0.6667×100%=66.67%
3/2 =0.6667≈0.6667×100%=66.67%
Convert percentages to fractions: To convert a percentage to a fraction, place the percentage value over 100 and simplify if possible. For example:
25%= 25/100= 1/4
25%= 100/25= 4/1
66.67%= 66.67/100 = 2/3
66.67%= 100/66.67= 3/2 (approximated)