Food wastage - SS2 Biology Lesson Note
Food wastage refers to the loss or waste of food at various stages of the food supply chain, including production, processing, distribution, and consumption. It encompasses edible food that is discarded, spoiled, or left uneaten, resulting in the loss of valuable resources, including water, energy, labor, and nutrients. Food wastage occurs due to factors such as inefficiencies in production and distribution systems, quality standards, consumer behavior, and inadequate storage and preservation methods. It is a global issue with significant social, economic, and environmental implications, including food insecurity, increased greenhouse gas emissions, and wasted resources. Addressing food wastage is crucial for promoting sustainable food systems, reducing hunger, and minimizing the environmental impact of food production.
Some causes of food wastage are listed below:
1. Poor storage facilities
2. Damage caused by pests
3. Damage caused by diseases
4. Inadequate transport facilities
5. Late harvesting
6. Inadequate processing facilities
7. Natural and man-made disasters