Courses » JSS2 » JSS2 Christian Religious Studies » Instances that can lead to a Christians denial of Christ or his/her neighbours - JSS2 Christian Religious Studies Lesson Note

Instances that can lead to a Christians denial of Christ or his/her neighbours - JSS2 Christian Religious Studies Lesson Note

Introduction: Jesus said “but who so ever deny me before men, him will I also deny before my father which is in heaven” Matthew 10:33.

Fear of the unknown is one of man greatest problems, most especially when our liberty and peace are seen to be threatened if we stand firm in the face of odds. Fear is capable of making Christians deny their faith when they forget God’s promises to be with us always and to provide us protection and security if we hold unto Him.

Peter, however, deny Jesus because he was afraid and do not want to face unpleasant consequences, including death, for identifying with Jesus Christ during his trial by the Jews. The natural instinct of self preservation also explains why many Christians deny Jesus, their bosom friends and even neighbor because if they speak the truth, they might be severally punished or lose their special privileges in society.

The following are situations that can lead to a Christian’s denial of Jesus and ones neighbour:

Temptation: Christians can be pushed into temptation like covetousness, social immorality, adultery, etc. and this can make them deny Christ or their neighbour. As any form of sin amount to denying Christ.

Deception: a Christian who is seduced away from the pure devotion of Christ by first teaching or prophets will end up denying Christ.

Fear: fear of being killed made peter deny Christ.

Persecution: Christian who refused to be persecuted for Christ have denied him.

Lack of faith: lack of faith in God may lead Christians to seek solutions from false gods.

Greed: desire for riches can make a Christian deny Christ just as Judas did.

Refusal to stand up for Jesus (temptation) by doing what is evil.


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