Courses » JSS2 » JSS2 Christian Religious Studies » Jesus calls his first four disciples (Matt 4:18-22, Mark 1:16-20, Luke 5:1-11, John 1:35-51) - JSS2 Christian Religious Studies Lesson Note

Jesus calls his first four disciples (Matt 4:18-22, Mark 1:16-20, Luke 5:1-11, John 1:35-51) - JSS2 Christian Religious Studies Lesson Note

According to Matthew and Mark, Jesus started His call from the Sea of Galilee when He saw two brothers fishing - Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother. They were fisher men but Christ called them to fish for men, which means that they were now to evangelise and bring men to God.

And immediately, they left their nets and followed Jesus. A few meters away from where Jesus called Peter and Andrew, Jesus met the two brothers; James and John, the sons of Zebedee. They were in a boat with their father mending their broken nets. Jesus called them and immediately, they left the boat and their father and followed him.

 The gospel of Luke gives another account of how Jesus called the first four disciples. Jesus met Peter, Andrew, James and John by the sea of Galilee. They had just returned from fishing all night without making any catch. Jesus preached the word of God from Peter’s boat. When he had finished, he told Peter to go and fish. Peter said they had toiled all night without any fish, but they would try again ah his word. When Peter, Andrew, James and John went fishing again, they had a great catch of fish. Peter was so surprised that he said to Jesus:

“Depart from me, O Lord, for I am a sinful man”

Jesus then said to Simon Peter:

“Do not be afraid; henceforth you will be catching men”

When Peter, Andrew, James and John had brought in all the fish, they left everything anf followed Jesus.

 After the call of the first four disciples, Jesus came across a tax collector whose name was Matthew or Levi. He was sitting at the tax office, collecting btaxes from the people. Jesus went to him and called him saying: “Follow me.” Matthew left his office at once and followed Jesus as his disciple.


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