Marriage system in Nigeria - JSS3 Home economics Lesson Note
1. Traditional/customary marriage:
This is marriage performed according to native laws and customs. It differs from one tribe to another. Traditional marriage can either be;
- Monogamous: Where one man marries one wife.
- Polygamous: Where one man marries two or more wives
2. Marriage under the ordinance: It is also called court marriage because it is done in the court before a court register. It is a monogamous form of marriage and a marriage ordinance certificate is issued to the married couple. It is provided by the government and open to all religious sects and types.
3. Religious marriage: This may be in the church or mosque
4. Church marriage: This is done in the church by Christians. It is a monogamous form of marriage, where a man marries only one wife.
5. Muslim/Islamic marriage: This is contracted in the ways stipulated by Islam by Muslims. It is a polygamous form of marriage because men are allowed to marry more than one wife.