Pronoun - JSS1 English Language Lesson Note
Pronouns are words that are used in place of nouns to avoid repetition in sentences.
They help in making sentences less repetitive and more concise.
A pronoun is a word that is used instead of a noun.
Underline the pronouns in these sentences.
Michael is a boy He is in the class
Ada is a girl She is at home
They are brothers and sisters
We know them very well
Words that stand for males are masculine gender so the noun: man, boy, son, king, prince etc. and pronouns he and him are masculine gender words that stand for females are famine gender. The noun woman, girl, daughter, queen, princess etc. and the pronoun she and her are female gender.
Words that stand for things are neater gender.
2. Types of Pronouns:
a. Personal Pronouns:
- Personal pronouns refer to specific people or things.
- They include pronouns like I, you, he, she, it, we, and they.
b. Possessive Pronouns:
- Possessive pronouns show ownership or possession.
- Examples include mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, and theirs.
c. Reflexive Pronouns:
- Reflexive pronouns are used when the subject and the object of a sentence are the same.
- They end in -self or -selves, such as myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, and themselves.
d. Demonstrative Pronouns:
- Demonstrative pronouns point to specific things or people.
- Examples include this, that, these, and those.
e. Interrogative Pronouns:
- Interrogative pronouns are used to ask questions.
- Examples include who, whom, whose, which, and what.
f. Indefinite Pronouns:
- Indefinite pronouns refer to nonspecific people or things.
- Examples include anyone, someone, everybody, nobody, anything, something, each, and all.