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Question Tag - JSS1 English Language Lesson Note

Question tags are short questions added to the end of a statement to turn it into a question. They are used to confirm information, seek agreement, or invite a response from the listener.

- Positive Statement + Negative Question Tag: He is a student, isn't he?
- Negative Statement + Positive Question Tag: She didn't go, did she?
- Auxiliary Verb in Statement + Main Verb in Question Tag: You can swim, can't you?
- Main Verb in Statement + Auxiliary Verb in Question Tag:
- They eat fish, don't they?

Rules for Formation:
1. If the main verb in the statement is positive, the question tag is negative, and vice versa.
2. If the statement contains an auxiliary verb, the question tag uses the opposite form of the auxiliary verb.
3. If there is no auxiliary verb in the statement, the appropriate form of "do" is used in the question tag.
4. The subject pronoun in the question tag agrees with the subject of the statement.

1. You are coming to the party, aren't you?
2. She can speak French, can't she?
3. They haven't finished yet, have they?
4. He won't be late, will he?
5. She didn't eat breakfast, did she?
6. We are going to the beach, aren't we?
7. He likes ice cream, doesn't he?
8. You have finished your homework, haven't you?

Functions of Question Tags:
1. Seeking Confirmation: Used to confirm information or seek agreement from the listener.
   - You're coming with us, aren't you?
2. Softening Statements: Used to soften statements and make them less assertive.
   - It's a beautiful day, isn't it?
3. Invitation to Respond: Used to invite a response or engage the listener in conversation.
   - You like chocolate, don't you?

Common Mistakes:
1. Incorrect Subject-Verb Agreement: Ensure that the subject pronoun in the question tag agrees with the subject of the statement.
2. Inappropriate Use of Question Tags: Use question tags appropriately based on the context and tone of the conversation.
3. Missing Auxiliary Verb: Remember to include an auxiliary verb or "do" when forming question tags for statements without auxiliary verbs.

Practice Exercises:
1. She is your friend, _____?
2. They don't like pizza, _____?
3. He has finished his homework, _____?
4. We won't be late, _____?
5. You haven't seen the movie, _____?

answers to the practice exercise 

1. She is your friend, isn't she?
2. They don't like pizza, do they?
3. He has finished his homework, hasn't he?
4. We won't be late, will we?
5. You haven't seen the movie, have you?

Question tags are useful linguistic tools for engaging in conversation, seeking confirmation, and softening statements. Understanding the rules for their formation and usage can improve communication skills and enhance conversational fluency.

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