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Rotational Grazing - SS3 Agriculture Lesson Note

Rotational grazing is a management strategy that involves moving livestock between different paddocks or pastures in a planned and systematic manner to control parasites. Here is a detailed explanation:


How It Works: Animals are rotated between grazing areas, allowing pastures to rest and recover after grazing. This reduces the concentration of parasite larvae in a specific area.


Breaking the Lifecycle: Parasites, like worms, have a lifecycle that involves stages in the pasture and inside the animal. Rotational grazing disrupts this cycle by moving animals away from contaminated areas.


Benefits: Rotational grazing is a sustainable approach that can reduce the reliance on chemical dewormers. It promotes healthier pastures and can improve animal nutrition.


Challenges: Effective rotational grazing requires careful planning and management. It may not be suitable for all livestock operations or in regions with limited land.

Recommended: Questions and Answers on Prevention and control of livestock parasites II for SS3 Agriculture
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