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Settlement patterns - SS2 Geography Lesson Note

Settlement patterns refer to the way in which people or communities are distributed across a geographical area. There are several common settlement patterns, each with its own characteristics and factors that influence its development. 


Dispersed Settlement Pattern:

This pattern involves houses and communities spread out over a wide area with significant distances between them.

Factors aiding its development:

Agriculture: In rural areas, dispersed settlements often result from the need for large farming plots, where families live on their own farms.

Geographic features: Harsh terrains, such as mountains or deserts, can lead to dispersed settlements due to limited suitable land.

Modern transportation: Improved transportation allows people to live farther from urban centers, contributing to dispersion.


Linear Settlement Pattern:

Linear settlements are characterized by buildings arranged in a line, often along a road, river, or railway.

Factors aiding its development:

Transportation routes: Settlements may form along roads or railways, as they provide access and transportation for goods and people.

Trade and commerce: Proximity to trade routes and markets can lead to linear settlement development, as it eases the movement of goods.

Topography: Settlements along riverbanks can take a linear shape due to the availability of water for various purposes.


Clustered Settlement Pattern:

Clustered settlements involve buildings grouped closely together, often in a compact village or town.

Factors aiding its development:

Social interaction: Proximity to neighbors promotes social interactions, sharing of resources, and community support.

Defense: In the past, clustered settlements provided a level of security against external threats.

Resource availability: Settlements may cluster around natural resources like water sources, forests, or fertile land.


Isolated Settlement Pattern:

Isolated settlements are remote and solitary, with no nearby neighbors or communities.

Factors aiding its development:

Extreme isolation: Harsh climates, such as polar regions or remote islands, can lead to isolated settlements.

Unique purpose: Research stations, lighthouses, and other specialized facilities may be isolated for specific purposes.

Inaccessibility: Lack of transportation links can make an area isolated, where communities develop self-sufficiency.

Recommended: Questions and Answers on Settlement II for SS2 Geography
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