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Steps to Write a Simple BASIC Program - JSS2 Computer Studies Lesson Note

Writing a simple BASIC program is an excellent way to understand the fundamentals of programming and gain hands-on experience. BASIC, which stands for Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code, was designed with simplicity in mind, making it an ideal language for beginners. In this lesson, we will explore the basic steps involved in creating a simple BASIC program and provide an example to illustrate the process.


Start with Program Initialization: Begin your BASIC program with an optional program initialization statement, such as REM (remark/comment), to add comments or information about the program. This step is not mandatory but can enhance program readability.

Variable Declaration: Declare any variables your program will use. BASIC is dynamically typed, so you don't need to specify variable types explicitly. Assign initial values if necessary.

Executable Statements: Write the executable statements that define the logic of your program. For example, you can perform arithmetic operations, use conditional statements, or create loops.

User Input (Optional): If your program requires user input, use the INPUT statement to prompt the user for values. This step is optional and depends on the nature of your program.

Program Output: Display the output of your program using the PRINT statement. This can include calculated values, messages, or any relevant information.

End the Program: Conclude your BASIC program with an appropriate ending statement. This step is often implicit, and some BASIC interpreters automatically end the program when it reaches the last line.

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