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Structure – Verbs and verb phrases - SS3 English Lesson Note

Verbs are words that describe actions or states of being. They are the most important part of speech in English, as they are used to create sentences.

Verb phrases are groups of words that function as verbs. They can be made up of a verb and one or more other words, such as adverbs, prepositions, or clauses.

There are two main types of verb phrases:

    • Simple verb phrases are made up of a verb and one or more adverbs. For example, "walked quickly" is a simple verb phrase made up of the verb "walk" and the adverb "quickly."
    • Complex verb phrases are made up of a verb, one or more adverbs, and one or more clauses. For example, "I will walk quickly to the store" is a complex verb phrase made up of the verb "walk," the adverb "quickly," and the clause "to the store."

Revising the topic of verbs and verb phrases can be helpful to one who is struggling with these concepts. By reviewing the different types of verbs and verb phrases, one can gain a better understanding of how they work and how to use them correctly.

Here are some tips for revising the topic of verbs and verb phrases:

  • Start by reviewing the different types of verbs. This will help one to understand the different ways that verbs can be used.
  • Then, review the different types of verb phrases. This will help one to understand how to combine verbs with other words to create more complex sentences.
  • Finally, practice using verbs and verb phrases in your own writing. This will help one to solidify your understanding of these concepts
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