Courses » JSS2 » JSS2 Christian Religious Studies » The death of Jesus (Matthew 27:45-56) - JSS2 Christian Religious Studies Lesson Note

The death of Jesus (Matthew 27:45-56) - JSS2 Christian Religious Studies Lesson Note

When it was noon, there was darkness all over the land till three O’ clock in the afternoon. Jesus then cried with a loud voice:

“Eloi-Eloi, lama sabac-thani?”

Which means:

“My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?”

 Some of the people thought he was calling on Elijah to come and save him. And Jesus cried again with a loud voice and died on the cross.

Immediately Jesus died on the cross, the curtains of the Temple was torn into two. There was a great earthquake which shook the whole place and some of the tombs opened and the dead came back to life; and after the resurrection, went to the towns and appeared to many people. When the soldiers saw all this, they confessed that Jesus was truly the son of God.

The women disciples of Jesus, including Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joseph, and the mother of the sons of Zebedee were at the place of crucifixion. They sympathized with Jesus and cried and wailed when Jesus died on the cross.


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