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The visit of the wise men (Matt 2: 1-12) - JSS2 Christian Religious Studies Lesson Note

Later some wise men from the east went to ask from King Herod, where the new born king was so that they would worship him. The wise men led by a star met Jesus and his parents in a manger.

 When Herod heard this, he was very worried because the birth of another king meant that very soon he would no longer be king. All those who heard of the birth of the new king in Jerusalem were also worried. Herod called a meeting of the Jewish council and asked them where Christ, the new king, would be born. The council searched the scriptures and told him that Christ would be born in Bethlehem in the land of Judea, according to the prophecy of Micah. Upon hearing this, Herod called the three wise men secretly to find out the exact time that the star appeared to them. After that, he sent them to Bethlehem saying:

“Go and search diligently for the child, and when you have found him bring me word, that I too may come and worship him.”

The wise men continued their journey and the star they had seen in the East guided them to Bethlehem till it came and stood over the house where Jesus was born. They were filled with joy and entered the house.

The wise men led by a star met Jesus and his parents in a manger. They worshipped him and gave him the following gifts:

Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh.


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