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Topic: Argumentative Essay - JSS1 English Language Lesson Note

Argumentative Essay 

What is it?

An argumentative essay is like a debate on paper. You take a stand on an issue and try to convince the reader why your point of view is correct. It's like arguing with your friend about which team has the best jollof rice, but instead of yelling, you use facts and reasons to support your claim.


  • Should school uniforms be mandatory in Nigeria? (Your opinion: Yes/No, with reasons)
  • Is spending more time playing outside better than playing video games? (Your opinion: Yes/No, with reasons)
  • Which is more important, learning about history or science? (Your opinion: History/Science, with reasons)

How to Write One:

  1. Pick a Topic: Choose something you care about and have an opinion on.
  2. State Your Claim: This is the main point you're trying to prove. It's like your opening statement in a debate.
  3. Present Your Reasons: Use strong evidence to support your claim. This could be facts, statistics, examples from your own life, or even quotes from experts.
  4. Consider the Other Side: Imagine someone arguing against you. Briefly explain their point, then explain why you disagree.
  5. Conclude Strongly: Summarize your main points and restate your claim in a powerful way.

do's to essay writing:

  • Use clear and concise language. Your writing should be easy to understand.
  • Organize your thoughts. Use paragraphs to separate your ideas.
  • Proofread carefully. Check for spelling and grammar mistakes.
  • Use strong verbs and descriptive words. Make your writing come alive!
  • Don't forget fun! You can use humor, personal stories, or even jokes (as long as they're appropriate) to keep your reader engaged.

Should Nigerians eat more traditional foods like pounded yam and egusi soup, or is it okay to enjoy modern foods like pizza and hamburgers?

 Supporting Traditional Foods (Yes to Pounded Yam and Egusi)

claim: Nigerians should eat more traditional foods like pounded yam and egusi soup.


  • Health Benefits: Traditional foods are often packed with nutrients. Pounded yam is a good source of energy from complex carbohydrates, and egusi soup is rich in protein from vegetables and meat.
  • Local Farmers: Eating traditional foods supports local farmers who grow the ingredients. This strengthens our communities and economy.
  • Culture and Tradition: Traditional foods connect us to our Nigerian heritage and history. Sharing a meal of pounded yam and egusi soup can be a special way to connect with family and friends.

Opposing Viewpoint: Some might say modern foods are tastier and more convenient.

Counter-argument: Traditional foods can be delicious! There are many variations of pounded yam and egusi soup, so you can find something you enjoy. As for convenience, many traditional meals can be prepared in advance and stored for later.


Eating traditional foods like pounded yam and egusi soup is a healthy and delicious way to support our communities and culture. While enjoying modern foods occasionally is okay, making traditional meals a regular part of our diet is a tastier and healthier choice for Nigerians!

Answer 2: Supporting Modern Foods (Yes to Pizza and Hamburgers)

Claim: It's okay for Nigerians to enjoy modern foods like pizza and hamburgers alongside traditional meals.


  • Variety is Key: A balanced diet includes a variety of foods from different cultures. Modern foods like pizza and hamburgers can add exciting flavors and textures to our meals.
  • Global Citizens: The world is becoming more connected. Trying foods from other cultures helps us appreciate different traditions and flavors.
  • Accessibility: Modern foods are readily available in many areas of Nigeria. This makes it convenient for busy families to enjoy a quick and satisfying meal.

Opposing Viewpoint: Some might say modern foods are less healthy than traditional meals.

Counter-argument: Modern foods can be healthy too! We can choose options with whole wheat crusts, lean meats, and plenty of vegetables on pizzas and hamburgers.


Enjoying modern foods like pizza and hamburgers is a fun way to experience different flavors and cultures. As long as we balance these meals with healthy traditional options, there's room for both in a delicious Nigerian diet!

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