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Types of Production - SS1 Economics Lesson Note

There are three main types of production:

  • Primary Production: Primary and extractive production involves the production of crops and livestock for human consumption or other uses. This type of production is typically associated with farming and agriculture and can include the growing of crops such as wheat, rice, and corn, as well as raising livestock such as cattle, sheep, and pigs. It involves extracting raw materials from nature, such as mining, forestry, and fishing.

  • Secondary Production: Secondary or manufacturing production involves the creation of tangible goods using machines, labor, and tools. This type of production can include making things such as cars, clothing, and electronics. Manufacturing production can be categorized into three types of production systems: job production, batch production, and mass production.

  • Tertiary Production: Tertiary or service production involves the creation of intangible goods or services using specialized skills and labor. Examples of services produced could be healthcare, education, or consulting. Service production is typically characterized by a high degree of customization and personalization, which can make it more difficult to scale.


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