2013 - JAMB English Past Questions and Answers - page 10

In 1951, the Government decided to start a Pottery Training Centre where new and more advantaged technical methods, especially glazing, could be taught. The centre was intended to serve the whole of the defunct Northern Region, and there were several reasons for choosing Abuja . The first was the excellence of the traditional pottery made in the Emirate. Secondly, firewood is plentiful; this is a most important consideration, because in the making of glazed pottery, more firewood than clay is required. Thirdly, there are good clays, and good local sources for the raw materials needed for the glazes. Fourthly, water, which is another important raw material, is plentiful. Finally, Abuja is in a central position for the whole region and is a town where learners from many different parts can find a congenial temporary home, and where the Emir and his Council are actively interested in the project.

Nearly all the making is done by a process called throwing;, so called because the lumps of clay are thrown the potter onto a wheel-head. They are weigh out so that each pot will be roughly the same size; for example, for making pint-sized jugs, the lumps of clay will be one and a half kilogrammes. The potter sits on the saddle of the wheel and spins it by pushing a pedal with his left foot. He has a bowl of water, a loofah, a bamboo knife, a pointed stick or porcupine quill, a wooden-smoothing tool which potters call a rib, and a piece of wire-like object that is used for wedging. He makes the wheel-heal slightly damp, and throws the lumps into the middle. The first work is to force the lump to the centre, then he presses his thumb into the middle of the lump, using water to keep it slippery. When the bottom is of the right thickness, he begins to draw up the walls until they are of the right height. Then he shapes the belly and shoulder of the pot. He trims off any waste clay. In this way, a small and medium-sized pot can be made quickly and accurately.

Adapted from Robert, J.M.E and Smith, L.E.M (1978) Testing English language, AUP The words congenial, as used in the passage, means
correct option: c
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Whatever may be its wider implications, the explosion of hydrogen bomb is, for the meteorologist, simply another atmospheric disturbance. It should therefore be classed with certain rare natural.....such as volcanic ....12... But there are certain features of a man-made disturbance that requires special examination. As with all events on this ....13...It is impossible to describe what happens in details. However we can be reasonably sure of the main effects, and most impressive of these arises from ....14...The immediate result of the ....15....is that the air surrounding the bomb is raised very rapidly to an enormously high.....16....The hot gases expand violently as great........17.....compressing the air around them into what is called .....18......or blast wave that is responsible for much of terrible destructive power of the weapon.

Another kind of wave arises because of the weight of the air. The force of the explosion lifts the ....19...waves. Waves of this type are normally felt by human beings and they have their effect on the weather.

Adapted from Ayoola K.(2007) University for All Students, Lagos, Nigeria: Olive Free Venture Choose the most appropriate answer in the numbered 11
correct option: a
Users' Answers & Comments
Whatever may be its wider implications, the explosion of hydrogen bomb is, for the meteorologist, simply another atmospheric disturbance. It should therefore be classed with certain rare natural.....such as volcanic ....12... But there are certain features of a man-made disturbance that requires special examination. As with all events on this ....13...It is impossible to describe what happens in details. However we can be reasonably sure of the main effects, and most impressive of these arises from ....14...The immediate result of the ....15....is that the air surrounding the bomb is raised very rapidly to an enormously high.....16....The hot gases expand violently as great........17.....compressing the air around them into what is called .....18......or blast wave that is responsible for much of terrible destructive power of the weapon.

Another kind of wave arises because of the weight of the air. The force of the explosion lifts the ....19...waves. Waves of this type are normally felt by human beings and they have their effect on the weather.

Adapted from Ayoola K.(2007) University for All Students, Lagos, Nigeria: Olive Free Venture Choose the most appropriate answer in the numbered 12
correct option: b
Users' Answers & Comments
Whatever may be its wider implications, the explosion of hydrogen bomb is, for the meteorologist, simply another atmospheric disturbance. It should therefore be classed with certain rare natural.....such as volcanic ....12... But there are certain features of a man-made disturbance that requires special examination. As with all events on this ....13...It is impossible to describe what happens in details. However we can be reasonably sure of the main effects, and most impressive of these arises from ....14...The immediate result of the ....15....is that the air surrounding the bomb is raised very rapidly to an enormously high.....16....The hot gases expand violently as great........17.....compressing the air around them into what is called .....18......or blast wave that is responsible for much of terrible destructive power of the weapon.

Another kind of wave arises because of the weight of the air. The force of the explosion lifts the ....19...waves. Waves of this type are normally felt by human beings and they have their effect on the weather.

Adapted from Ayoola K.(2007) University for All Students, Lagos, Nigeria: Olive Free Venture Choose the most appropriate answer in the numbered 13
correct option: c
Users' Answers & Comments
Whatever may be its wider implications, the explosion of hydrogen bomb is, for the meteorologist, simply another atmospheric disturbance. It should therefore be classed with certain rare natural.....such as volcanic ....12... But there are certain features of a man-made disturbance that requires special examination. As with all events on this ....13...It is impossible to describe what happens in details. However we can be reasonably sure of the main effects, and most impressive of these arises from ....14...The immediate result of the ....15....is that the air surrounding the bomb is raised very rapidly to an enormously high.....16....The hot gases expand violently as great........17.....compressing the air around them into what is called .....18......or blast wave that is responsible for much of terrible destructive power of the weapon.

Another kind of wave arises because of the weight of the air. The force of the explosion lifts the ....19...waves. Waves of this type are normally felt by human beings and they have their effect on the weather.

Adapted from Ayoola K.(2007) University for All Students, Lagos, Nigeria: Olive Free Venture Choose the most appropriate answer in the numbered 14
pressure volume
pressure air
pressure gugae
pressure waves
correct option: a
Users' Answers & Comments
Whatever may be its wider implications, the explosion of hydrogen bomb is, for the meteorologist, simply another atmospheric disturbance. It should therefore be classed with certain rare natural.....such as volcanic ....12... But there are certain features of a man-made disturbance that requires special examination. As with all events on this ....13...It is impossible to describe what happens in details. However we can be reasonably sure of the main effects, and most impressive of these arises from ....14...The immediate result of the ....15....is that the air surrounding the bomb is raised very rapidly to an enormously high.....16....The hot gases expand violently as great........17.....compressing the air around them into what is called .....18......or blast wave that is responsible for much of terrible destructive power of the weapon.

Another kind of wave arises because of the weight of the air. The force of the explosion lifts the ....19...waves. Waves of this type are normally felt by human beings and they have their effect on the weather.

Adapted from Ayoola K.(2007) University for All Students, Lagos, Nigeria: Olive Free Venture Choose the most appropriate answer in the numbered 15
correct option: b
Users' Answers & Comments
Whatever may be its wider implications, the explosion of hydrogen bomb is, for the meteorologist, simply another atmospheric disturbance. It should therefore be classed with certain rare natural.....such as volcanic ....12... But there are certain features of a man-made disturbance that requires special examination. As with all events on this ....13...It is impossible to describe what happens in details. However we can be reasonably sure of the main effects, and most impressive of these arises from ....14...The immediate result of the ....15....is that the air surrounding the bomb is raised very rapidly to an enormously high.....16....The hot gases expand violently as great........17.....compressing the air around them into what is called .....18......or blast wave that is responsible for much of terrible destructive power of the weapon.

Another kind of wave arises because of the weight of the air. The force of the explosion lifts the ....19...waves. Waves of this type are normally felt by human beings and they have their effect on the weather.

Adapted from Ayoola K.(2007) University for All Students, Lagos, Nigeria: Olive Free Venture Choose the most appropriate answer in the numbered 16
correct option: a
Users' Answers & Comments
Whatever may be its wider implications, the explosion of hydrogen bomb is, for the meteorologist, simply another atmospheric disturbance. It should therefore be classed with certain rare natural.....such as volcanic ....12... But there are certain features of a man-made disturbance that requires special examination. As with all events on this ....13...It is impossible to describe what happens in details. However we can be reasonably sure of the main effects, and most impressive of these arises from ....14...The immediate result of the ....15....is that the air surrounding the bomb is raised very rapidly to an enormously high.....16....The hot gases expand violently as great........17.....compressing the air around them into what is called .....18......or blast wave that is responsible for much of terrible destructive power of the weapon.

Another kind of wave arises because of the weight of the air. The force of the explosion lifts the ....19...waves. Waves of this type are normally felt by human beings and they have their effect on the weather.

Adapted from Ayoola K.(2007) University for All Students, Lagos, Nigeria: Olive Free Venture Choose the most appropriate answer in the numbered 17
correct option: a
Users' Answers & Comments
Whatever may be its wider implications, the explosion of hydrogen bomb is, for the meteorologist, simply another atmospheric disturbance. It should therefore be classed with certain rare natural.....such as volcanic ....12... But there are certain features of a man-made disturbance that requires special examination. As with all events on this ....13...It is impossible to describe what happens in details. However we can be reasonably sure of the main effects, and most impressive of these arises from ....14...The immediate result of the ....15....is that the air surrounding the bomb is raised very rapidly to an enormously high.....16....The hot gases expand violently as great........17.....compressing the air around them into what is called .....18......or blast wave that is responsible for much of terrible destructive power of the weapon.

Another kind of wave arises because of the weight of the air. The force of the explosion lifts the ....19...waves. Waves of this type are normally felt by human beings and they have their effect on the weather.

Adapted from Ayoola K.(2007) University for All Students, Lagos, Nigeria: Olive Free Venture Choose the most appropriate answer in the numbered 18
correct option: b
Users' Answers & Comments
Whatever may be its wider implications, the explosion of hydrogen bomb is, for the meteorologist, simply another atmospheric disturbance. It should therefore be classed with certain rare natural.....such as volcanic ....12... But there are certain features of a man-made disturbance that requires special examination. As with all events on this ....13...It is impossible to describe what happens in details. However we can be reasonably sure of the main effects, and most impressive of these arises from ....14...The immediate result of the ....15....is that the air surrounding the bomb is raised very rapidly to an enormously high.....16....The hot gases expand violently as great........17.....compressing the air around them into what is called .....18......or blast wave that is responsible for much of terrible destructive power of the weapon.

Another kind of wave arises because of the weight of the air. The force of the explosion lifts the ....19...waves. Waves of this type are normally felt by human beings and they have their effect on the weather.

Adapted from Ayoola K.(2007) University for All Students, Lagos, Nigeria: Olive Free Venture Choose the most appropriate answer in the numbered 19
correct option: b
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