2018 - JAMB Government Past Questions and Answers - page 2
A true democracy in the modern sense exists where the
A state that is ruled by an elected citizen is
A republic is a state that is ruled by an elected citizen into power to represent the people.
Political socialization is associated with
OPEC has strong influence with the__________
The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is an intergovernmental organisation of 14 nations, founded in 1960 in Baghdad by the first five members, and headquartered since 1965 in Vienna, Austria
OPEC was formed to meet the interests of petroleum exporting countries in which African nation states are involved and easily influenced by its policies as they are regarded as third world countries
The development of a classless society is the goal of __________
Maxism is a political and economical philosophy emphasizing the importance of class struggle in society. It is based on the work of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels from the middle of the 19th century, and is often described as a form of socialism.
In the old OYO empire, the Ajele
Rhodesia was the former name of
The Yoruba traditional system of government was
Monarchical system of government is whereby a king or monarch rules with undivided authority
Citizenship of a state by descent requires that______
In citizenship by descent, a person’s family lineage lived or stayed in such an area.
In British citizen by descent for example, this refers to person born outside the UK and is acquired if one or both parents are British citizens.The institutions which constitute the main organs of the government of a nation are the___________
The three arms of government in Nigeria are legislature, executive and judiciary.