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Last Days At Forcadoes High School - JAMB Novels Past Questions and Answers - page 3


 Which post did Efua hold at Forcados High school? (A) Health prefect (B) Sanitary prefect (C) Head girl (D) None of the Above.

None of the Above

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 Efua danced with ____, the ____ boy in class during the Mid-Term Dinner (A) Jolly, biggest (B) Jimi, smartest (C) Jide, smallest (D) Ansa, most talented.


Who photocopied and circulated Efua’s private letter in the school (A) Nene (B) Jimi (C) Jolly (D) Ada.


 “I want to tell you that what you did with the boy who fainted was absolutely brilliant” Who made this statement and to whom? (A) Efua to Miss Novi (B) Nene to Efua (C) Ansa to Jimi (D) Mr Mallum to Miss Novi.

Efua to Miss Novi

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Who bumped into Efua making her drop her books when they were gathering for an impromptu talk about Mid-Term Dinner? (A) Nene (B) Caro (C) Jolly (D) Joke.


Who was referred to as Erdoo in the novel? (A) Efua (B) Nene (C) Miss Novi (D) Caro.


Which of these is a house at Forcados High school which Jimi belonged to? (A) Gorilla (B) Cheetah (C) Elephant (D) Tiger.


“Nice painting” This commendation was made by? (A) Ansa (B) Jimi (C) Efua (D) Nene.


During the inter-house sports tournament, ____ came 2nd in the 100 meteres race. (A) Ikeen (B) Jimi (C) Jolly (D) Igbo.


 At the end of the First Term, Ansa was sad because____ (A) He received no award (B) He was barred from social activities (C) He failed his exam (D) He was not appreciated for designing the concert hall

He failed his exam

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