Human reproduction II - JSS1 Basic science Past Questions and Answers - page 2
What are some common signs of pregnancy?
Some common signs of pregnancy include missed periods, nausea, fatigue, breast tenderness, and frequent urination.
Describe the three stages of growth of the fetus during pregnancy.
The three stages of fetal growth are the germinal stage (weeks 1-2), where the zygote implants into the uterine wall, the embryonic stage (weeks 3-8), characterized by the development of major organs and structures, and the fetal stage (week 9 until birth), during which the fetus continues to grow and mature.
Why is prenatal care important during pregnancy?
Prenatal care is important during pregnancy to monitor the health of both the mother and the fetus, to identify and address any potential complications early, and to provide guidance on maintaining a healthy pregnancy.
What hormone is responsible for many early signs and symptoms of pregnancy?
Progesterone is the hormone responsible for many early signs and symptoms of pregnancy, such as missed periods, breast tenderness, and fatigue.