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Drawing Practice - Orthographic Projection - JSS1 Basic technology Past Questions and Answers - page 2


Why is practising drawing simple objects important in orthographic projection?


To develop artistic skills


To improve spatial awareness


To create decorative designs


To learn how to use colours effectively

correct option: b
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Which line type is used to indicate visible edges in an orthographic drawing?


Dashed line


Solid line


Centre line


Dimension line

correct option: b
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What is the benefit of using multiple views in orthographic projection?


It provides a more colourful drawing


It gives a comprehensive understanding


It simplifies the drawing process


It allows for creative expression

correct option: b
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What do centre lines in orthographic drawings indicate?


Hidden edges


Visible edges


Symmetry and centre point



correct option: c
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Which drawing technique is used to create a clear and accurate representation of an object's dimensions and features?


Perspective drawing


Freehand sketching


Orthographic projection



correct option: c
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Explain the concept of orthographic projection and its significance in technical drawing.

Orthographic projection is a technique used to create two-dimensional representations of three-dimensional objects by projecting their views onto perpendicular planes. This method is significant in technical drawing because it provides an accurate and clear depiction of an object's dimensions and geometry, which is essential for manufacturing and construction. By using multiple views (front, top, and side), orthographic projection eliminates ambiguities and ensures that all aspects of the object's design are well understood. This precision helps in avoiding errors, improving communication among designers, engineers, and builders, and ensuring that the final product meets the required specifications.

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Describe the process of drawing simple objects using orthographic projection.

The process of drawing simple objects using orthographic projection involves several steps. First, the object is visualised in three dimensions to understand its overall shape and features. Next, appropriate views are selected to represent the object, typically the front, top, and side views. The front view is drawn first, showing the height and width, followed by the top view, which shows the width and depth, and finally the side view, representing the height and depth. Each view must be aligned correctly to ensure consistency in dimensions. Additional details, such as hidden edges and centre lines, are added to complete the drawing, providing a comprehensive understanding of the object's geometry.


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How does orthographic projection differ from other drawing techniques like perspective drawing?

Orthographic projection differs from perspective drawing in its approach and purpose. While perspective drawing aims to create a realistic representation of an object as seen by the human eye, with depth and foreshortening, orthographic projection focuses on providing accurate and scaled representations of an object's dimensions and features. Perspective drawings are used for visualising and presenting ideas, whereas orthographic projections are used for detailed technical documentation and fabrication. In orthographic projection, each view is drawn to scale and without distortion, ensuring precise communication of the object's geometry, which is essential for manufacturing and construction.


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Why is it important for students to practise drawing simple objects using orthographic projection?

Practising drawing simple objects using orthographic projection is important for students to develop their technical drawing skills and spatial awareness. By starting with basic shapes, students learn to apply orthographic projection principles and understand how to accurately represent three-dimensional objects in two dimensions. This practice enhances their ability to visualise objects from different perspectives, improves their precision in drawing, and builds a foundation for tackling more complex technical drawings. Mastery of orthographic projection is crucial for careers in engineering, architecture, and design, where accurate and detailed drawings are essential for successful project execution.

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What are the key elements to consider when creating an orthographic projection drawing?

When creating an orthographic projection drawing, several key elements must be considered to ensure accuracy and clarity. These include selecting the appropriate views (front, top, and side) to represent the object comprehensively, ensuring that all views are aligned correctly to maintain consistent dimensions, and using different line types to convey specific information (e.g., solid lines for visible edges, dashed lines for hidden edges, centre lines for symmetry). Additionally, accurate measurement and scaling are crucial, as well as clear labelling and dimensioning to provide all necessary details for understanding the object's geometry. Attention to these elements ensures that the drawing effectively communicates the design and specifications of the object.

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