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Application of ICT II - JSS1 Computer Sudies Past Questions and Answers - page 2


Which gadget is specifically designed for monitoring heart rate and sleep patterns?




Smart TV


Fitness tracker



correct option: c
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What is the primary function of desktop computers?


Portable computing


Work, entertainment, and educational purposes


Complex computing tasks and gaming


Monitoring heart rate and sleep patterns

correct option: c
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Discuss the role of smartphones in modern society and how they contribute to communication and accessibility.

Smartphones play a pivotal role in modern society by providing users with multifaceted functionalities. They are not just devices for communication but also serve as portable computing tools, offering internet access, social media engagement, photography, and various applications. Smartphones contribute to communication by enabling instant and global connectivity, bridging distances and fostering real-time interactions. Additionally, their accessibility and versatility make them valuable tools for staying informed, entertained, and connected, influencing various aspects of daily life.

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Examine the impact of ICT on economic growth, providing examples of how digital services and e-commerce contribute to the development of businesses.

ICT significantly impacts economic growth through digital services and e-commerce. Digital platforms create new economic opportunities by providing businesses with avenues to reach a broader audience. E-commerce, for instance, allows businesses to conduct online transactions, sell products or services globally, and streamline their operations. Digital services, including software development, online consultations, and digital marketing, contribute to the expansion and efficiency of businesses. These advancements in ICT foster innovation, create jobs, and enhance economic development.

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Evaluate the merits and demerits of ICT in society, discussing how it enhances efficiency while also presenting challenges such as the digital divide and privacy concerns.

  1. ICT brings both merits and demerits to society. On the positive side, it enhances efficiency in various fields, automating tasks and reducing manual effort. It facilitates instant communication, global connectivity, and provides easy access to vast amounts of information. However, challenges like the digital divide arise due to unequal access, limiting opportunities for some. Privacy concerns also emerge as increased connectivity raises issues related to data security. Striking a balance between the positive and negative aspects of ICT is crucial for harnessing its benefits while addressing potential challenges in society.
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