Fractions - JSS1 Mathematics Past Questions and Answers - page 1
What does the numerator represent in a fraction?
The total number of equal parts
The number of parts we have
The denominator
How do you reduce the fraction 12/18, 18/12?
2/3, 3/2
12/18, 18/12
Which fractions are equivalent to ⅔, 3/2 ?
4/6, 6/4
6/9, 9/6
Both a) and b)
Arrange the following fractions in ascending order:
1/5, ¾, ⅔,
1/5, ⅔, ¾,
⅔, ¾, 1/5
1/5, ¾, ⅔,
Which step is involved in producing equivalent fractions?
Multiplying the numerator and the denominator by the same number
Dividing the numerator by the denominator
Adding the numerator and the denominator
What is the common denominator used to arrange 2/5, 3/7, ⅓ ?
Convert 5/6 to an equivalent fraction with a denominator of 12.
Find an equivalent fraction to 4/5 with a denominator of 20.
4/5 is equivalent to 16/20.