Common Social Problems IV - JSS1 Social studies Past Questions and Answers - page 2
What does AIDS represent in the progression of HIV infection?
Acute Infection
Asymptomatic Phase
Advanced Stage
Can HIV be transmitted through sharing utensils?
Only with Infected Utensils
What is the primary mode of HIV transmission in healthcare settings?
Airborne Exposure
Needlestick Injuries
Surface Contact
What precautionary measure is crucial for pregnant women with HIV to protect their infants?
Avoiding Vaccination
Taking Antiretroviral Medication
Consuming Herbal Remedies
What does HIV stand for, and what does the virus do to the immune system?
IV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. It attacks and weakens the immune system, making it harder for the body to fight off infections.
How is HIV primarily transmitted, and what are some preventive measures?
HIV is mainly transmitted through unprotected sex, sharing needles, and from mother to child during childbirth or breastfeeding. Preventive measures include using protection during sex, avoiding needle sharing, and getting tested regularly.
Explain the relationship between HIV and AIDS.
HIV is the virus that leads to AIDS, which stands for Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. AIDS is the advanced stage of HIV infection, where the immune system is severely compromised.
Can HIV be spread through casual contact, and what activities pose a risk for transmission?
No, HIV is not spread through casual contact. Activities such as hugging, sharing utensils, or breathing the same air do not pose a risk. Transmission primarily occurs through specific routes like unprotected sex and sharing contaminated needles.
What are the key measures to reduce the risk of HIV transmission during sexual intercourse?
Using protection, such as condoms, is a key measure to reduce the risk of HIV transmission during sexual intercourse. Regular testing and open communication with partners also contribute to prevention.
How can healthcare workers protect themselves from HIV transmission, especially in needlestick injury situations?
Healthcare workers can protect themselves by taking precautions to avoid needlestick injuries, such as using safety devices and following proper procedures. Prompt reporting and seeking medical attention if exposed are crucial steps to minimize the risk of HIV transmission.