Courses » JSS1 » JSS1 Social studies » Social studies Exam Topics » Promoting Safety in Schools II - Questions and Answers

Promoting Safety in Schools II - JSS1 Social studies Past Questions and Answers - page 2


How can pedestrians contribute to their safety when crossing streets?

Pedestrians can contribute to their safety by using designated crosswalks, obeying traffic signals, and avoiding distractions like phones.

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What are some important factors for cyclists to consider when riding on the road?

Cyclists should consider wearing helmets, using hand signals for turns, obeying traffic rules, and ensuring their bikes are in good working condition.

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In what ways can motorists enhance safety for themselves and others on the road?

Motorists can enhance safety by obeying speed limits, staying focused on the road, using signals for turns, yielding to pedestrians, and maintaining a safe following distance.

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Why is it recommended for cyclists to stay visible, and how can they achieve this?

Staying visible is crucial for cyclist safety, and they can achieve this by wearing bright clothing, using reflective gear, and employing front and rear lights, especially in low-light conditions.

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What role do crosswalks play in pedestrian safety, and how should motorists interact with them?

Crosswalks are essential for pedestrian safety, providing designated areas for crossing. Motorists should yield to pedestrians at crosswalks, ensuring a safer environment for everyone on the road.

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