Birth of Jesus Christ III - JSS2 Christian Religious Studies Past Questions and Answers - page 1
What is the significance of the visit of the three wise men?
i. The wise men are a sharp reminder that Jesus welcomes all peoples from all places.
ii. The wise, then, “unveil” this mystery and disclose the nature of God’s kingdom announced in Jesus.
iii. They remind us that it cannot be limited to the Jews or any other singular people.
iv. The wise men symbolize the divine promise given to Abraham for “all peoples on earth” in the first book of the Bible (Genesis 12:3), and
Why did King Herod plan to kill Jesus?
He was very worried because the birth of another king meant that very soon he would no longer be king.
Mention the gifts the wise men brought?
- Gold kingship
- Frankincense prieslty
- Myrrh prophetic
The wise men were led to Jesus by a ___________
The star they had seen in the East guided them to Bethlehem till it came and stood over the house where Jesus was born.
The wise men went to_________ first.
The manger
King Herod
Mary and Joseph fled with baby Jesus to ______