Sermon on the Mount II - JSS2 Christian Religious Studies Past Questions and Answers - page 1
Why is salt important?
Christians as salt of the earth: Salt is good because it preserves things like fish from decay. It also improves the taste of the food that you eat. As salt of the earth, your duty as a Christian is to behave in such a way that you become the agent of preserving and improving the quality of life in the society, so that there is good relationship between men and God and between one another.
What happens when the salt looses it's taste?
Salt becomes tasteless and useless when it loses its saltiness as it is soaked by rain or water.
Explain how Christians are the salt and light of the world
As salt of the world;
- Preserving Influence:
- Warning about Losing Saltiness
- Flavor Enhancer
As light if the world;
- Glorifying God
- Visibility
- Illuminating Darkness
How can you be a salt to your generation?
By spreading the word of God and his glories.
How can you be a light to your generation
- Do Good Deeds
- Share Your Faith
- Live by Example
Salt becomes _______ when it loses its taste.
Christains as salts of the earth should aim at ________ & ______& quality of life of others in society.
preserving & improving
Mimicking and destroying
When christains lose their value, they become ________