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The passion of Christ; The triumphant - JSS2 Christian Religious Studies Past Questions and Answers - page 1


What is the significance of the triumphant entry? 

1. The significance of the triumphant entry into Jerusalem was that, it represented first, a fulfillment, of the biblical account of Jesus Christ,Open and deliberate assertion of messiahship.

2. He was not a political conqueror as the Jesus they were expecting His purpose was not to overthrow the Roman rule, rather, He was breaking the power of sin.


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Describe the part played by the disciples and the crowd on the first Palm Sunday.

1. Fetching the Donkey:


Instruction from Jesus: Jesus sent two of His disciples ahead to a village to fetch a donkey and its colt. He instructed them to untie the animals and bring them to Him, saying that if anyone asked, they should say the Lord needs them.

Obedience: The disciples followed Jesus’ instructions exactly. They found the donkey and colt, brought them to Jesus, and placed their cloaks on them for Jesus to sit on (Matthew 21:1-7).

2. Preparation and Participation:


Cloaks on the Donkey: They prepared the donkey for Jesus by placing their cloaks on its back, serving as a makeshift saddle.

Leading the Procession: The disciples were part of the procession, likely helping to manage the crowd and ensuring Jesus’ safe passage into the city.

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Give an account of the cleansing of the temple by Jesus Christ.

As Jesus entered Jerusalem, he was angered by the activities of the people who were transacting business in the temple. He drove out all who sold and bought in the temple, overturned the table of money changers and the seats of those who sold pigeon. He said “It is written my house shall be called a house of prayer, but you make it a den of robbers” The blind and the lame came to him in the temple and he healed them.





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What lessons do you learn from it?

1. “Den of thieves” is an apparent reference to the cheating and exploitation going on in the house of God.

2. Cleansing the temple was a demonstration of Jesus’ authority.

3. Christians must be ready always to rebuke or even chase away people who have no business being in the house of God or people who treat the house of God with contempt.





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“Den of thieves” is an apparent reference to _______________

cheating and exploitation going on in the house of God.

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Jesus sent ___ of his disciples to get him a colt. 





correct option: b
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The word “Hosanna” means __


Jesus is our messiah


save us now

correct option: b
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Jesus used a colt because he was a ___ messiah 





correct option: a
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Jesus told those people he sent that if they were challenged, they should say


the lord has need of it   


The lord did not need it 

correct option: a
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Jesus reaction to people changing money in the temple was_____


He cursed them


he chased them out

correct option: b
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