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Classification of Computer 1 - JSS2 Computer Studies Past Questions and Answers - page 2


Explain the key characteristics of digital, analog, and hybrid computers. Provide examples of each type and describe their applications.

Digital computers operate with discrete signals using binary code, known for precision and versatility. Examples include personal computers, laptops, and smartphones, used in various tasks. Analog computers process continuous data with physical quantities like voltage, suitable for real-world measurements and simulations. Examples include speedometers in vehicles. Hybrid computers integrate digital and analog components, offering versatility. They find applications in medical imaging and industrial control systems.

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Compare and contrast general-purpose and special-purpose computers. Provide examples of each type and discuss their strengths and limitations.

General-purpose computers, like personal computers, are versatile, handling a wide range of tasks. They are adaptable and suitable for everyday use. Special-purpose computers are designed for specific tasks, such as scientific calculations or managing vehicle performance. While general-purpose computers are like Swiss Army knives, special-purpose computers excel in dedicated roles, providing efficiency and precision. The choice depends on the task – versatility with general-purpose or specialization with special-purpose.

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