Courses » JSS2 » JSS2 Computer Studies » Computer Studies Exam Topics » The Internet and the Web 2 - Questions and Answers

The Internet and the Web 2 - JSS2 Computer Studies Past Questions and Answers - page 2


Describe how the internet has transformed communication and social interactions. (Answer in one sentence)

The internet has revolutionized communication by providing instant messaging and social media platforms, fostering global connections and sharing of experiences.

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Explain the significance of the digital divide and its impact on access to opportunities. (Answer in one sentence)

The digital divide limits equal access to the internet, impacting opportunities for those without adequate connectivity and hindering their participation in the digital age.

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Explain the distinction between the internet and the World Wide Web and their respective roles in global communication.

The internet is a global network of interconnected computers and devices facilitating communication, while the World Wide Web (WWW) is a subset specifically focused on web-based content accessible through browsers, including websites and multimedia information.

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Discuss the significance of standardized protocols in facilitating communication across the vast and dynamic network of the internet.

Standardized protocols play a crucial role in ensuring seamless communication on the internet by establishing common rules for data exchange, enabling diverse devices and computers to interact efficiently and share information globally.

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Examine the multimedia capabilities of the World Wide Web and its impact on information sharing, emphasizing the various types of content accessible through web pages.

The World Wide Web serves as a multimedia platform, allowing the exchange of information in diverse formats such as text, images, videos, and more, enhancing the accessibility and richness of content for users across the internet.

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