Design in the theatre II - JSS2 Cultural and creative art Past Questions and Answers - page 2


What are rehearsals, and why are they important?

Rehearsals are practice sessions for performance preparation where participants repeat and refine their actions. They are important because they help improve skills, build confidence, and ensure smooth coordination during the actual performance.

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How do rehearsals contribute to skill improvement?

Rehearsals provide opportunities for participants to practice their craft, whether it's acting, speaking, playing an instrument, or dancing. Through repetition and feedback, individuals can refine their skills and techniques, ultimately improving their performance.

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What role does feedback play during rehearsals?

Feedback from coaches, directors, or peers during rehearsals helps participants identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments. It ensures that performances are polished and well-executed.

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How do rehearsals help participants build confidence?

By practicing repeatedly and receiving constructive feedback, participants gradually become more comfortable with their performance. This process builds confidence, reducing anxiety and enhancing their ability to perform effectively in front of an audience.

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In what ways do rehearsals foster teamwork?

Group rehearsals require participants to work together, synchronize their actions, and support each other. This fosters teamwork, trust, and camaraderie among the group members, ultimately enhancing their collective performance.

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How do rehearsals prepare participants to handle unexpected challenges during the actual event?

Rehearsals provide opportunities to anticipate and address potential issues or obstacles that may arise during the performance. By practicing adaptation and problem-solving in a controlled environment, participants become better equipped to handle unexpected circumstances during the actual event.

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