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Understanding the Place Value System - JSS2 Mathematics Past Questions and Answers - page 2


Explain how to determine the place value of each digit in the number 7,534.

The number 7,534 can be broken down by each digit and its corresponding place value.

The digit '7' is in the thousands place, so its place value is 7,000.

The digit '5' is in the hundreds place, so its place value is 500.

The digit '3' is in the tens place, so its place value is 30.

The digit '4' is in the units (or ones) place, so its place value is 4.

Therefore, the number 7,534 can be expressed as:

7,000 + 500 + 30 + 4

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Given the number 68,947, what is the value of the digit in the ten thousands place, and how does it contribute to the overall number?

In the number 68,947, the digit '6' is in the ten thousands place.

The place value of the ten thousands place is 10,000.

Therefore, the value of '6' in the ten thousands place is 6 times 10,000 = 60,000.

The contribution of '6' to the overall number is significant, as it accounts for 60,000 out of 68,947.

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How do you convert the number 4,827 into a sum of its place values?

To convert the number 4,827 into a sum of its place values:

The digit '4' is in the thousands place:  4 times 1,000 = 4,000.

The digit '8' is in the hundreds place:  8 times 100 = 800.

The digit '2' is in the tens place:  2 times 10 = 20.

The digit '7' is in the units place:  7 times 1 = 7.

Therefore, the number 4,827 can be expressed as:

4,000 + 800 + 20 + 7

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If you rearrange the digits of the number 1,235 to form the number 5,321, explain the changes in the place value of each digit.

Original number: 1,235

'1' in the thousands place:  1,000

'2' in the hundreds place:  200

'3' in the tens place:  30

'5' in the units place:  5


Rearranged number: 5,321

'5' in the thousands place:  5,000

'3' in the hundreds place:  300

'2' in the tens place:  20

'1' in the units place:  1



The '1' moves from thousands to units, changing its value from 1,000 to 1.

The '2' moves from hundreds to tens, changing its value from 200 to 20.

The '3' moves from tens to hundreds, changing its value from 30 to 300.

The '5' moves from units to thousands, changing its value from 5 to 5,000.

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Calculate the place value of each digit in the number 9,082 and explain how each digit contributes to the total.

The number 9,082 can be broken down by each digit and its corresponding place value:

The digit '9' is in the thousands place:  9 times 1,000 = 9,000.

The digit '0' is in the hundreds place:  0 times 100 = 0.

The digit '8' is in the tens place:  8 times 10 = 80.

The digit '2' is in the units place:  2 times 1 = 2.

Therefore, the number 9,082 can be expressed as:

9,000 + 0 + 80 + 2

Each digit contributes to the total as follows:

'9' contributes 9,000.

'0' contributes 0, showing no hundreds.

'8' contributes 80.

'2' contributes 2.

Adding these values together gives the total of 9,082.

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