Harmful traditional practices II - JSS2 Social studies Past Questions and Answers - page 1
What is one consequence of harmful traditional practices involving children?
Improved education
Exploitation through forced labor
Enhanced well-being
What can result from the deprivation of schooling due to harmful traditional practices?
Increased job opportunities
Loss of childhood and long-term harm
Improved community harmony
In the context of harmful traditional practices, what is VVF an abbreviation for?
Visual Verification Framework
Vesicovaginal fistula
Value-driven Family
How can empowering women and girls contribute to preventing harmful practices?
Strengthening traditional norms
Reinforcing gender inequalities
Shifting societal norms through education and opportunities
What is a potential consequence of harmful practices related to sexual pleasure for women?
Increased intimacy
Deprivation of sexual pleasure
Enhanced emotional well-being
What does VVF often result from in the context of harmful traditional practices?
Unsafe childbirth practices
Access to quality healthcare
Improved maternal well-being
What is a crucial element in preventing harmful traditional practices through legal means?
Ignoring societal norms
Enforcing bans on harmful practices
Encouraging cultural preservation
How can education and awareness campaigns contribute to preventing harmful practices?
Reinforcing outdated beliefs
Challenging traditional norms
Isolating communities
What role can community leaders play in combating harmful traditional practices?
Reinforcing harmful practices
Opposing legal measures
Engaging in dialogue and promoting change
What is the primary focus of health initiatives in preventing harmful practices related to VVF?
Encouraging unsafe childbirth
Promoting safe childbirth practices
Prioritizing cultural rituals