Population Census I - JSS3 Civic education Past Questions and Answers - page 2


What is the primary purpose of a population census?


To count the number of animal species in a region


To collect demographic information about the population


To measure the height of buildings in urban areas


To determine the area covered by a national park

correct option: b
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How does accurate census data contribute to political representation?


By excluding certain population groups from electoral processes


By ensuring proportional representation and electoral boundaries


By promoting political interference in census operations


By discouraging public participation in governance

correct option: b
Users' Answers & Comments

Discuss the importance of accurate population census data for resource allocation and equitable development planning.

Accurate population census data are crucial for fair and equitable distribution of resources, ensuring that government programs and services meet the diverse needs of different population groups, promoting social justice, and fostering sustainable development.

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Analyze the challenges associated with conducting population census exercises and their implications for governance and public policy.

Challenges such as undercounting, data accuracy issues, technological limitations, and political interference can undermine the credibility and effectiveness of census results, leading to misallocation of resources, distorted political representation, and compromised decision-making processes.

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Evaluate the role of public awareness and participation in ensuring the success and integrity of population census exercises.

Public awareness and participation are essential for fostering transparency, accountability, and public trust in census operations, encouraging accurate reporting and representation of diverse population groups, and promoting inclusive governance and data-driven policymaking.

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