Family Health IV - JSS3 Physical and health education Past Questions and Answers - page 2


What is the primary purpose of choosing a healthy life partner in disease prevention?


To increase the risk of disease transmission


To decrease access to healthcare


To reduce the spread of contagious diseases


To promote unhealthy behaviors

correct option: c
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What is the primary objective of controlling vectors?


To increase disease transmission


To reduce disease transmission


To promote vector reproduction


To spread misinformation

correct option: b
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What are some ways we can prevent diseases through sanitation?

Some ways include promoting cleanliness, proper hygiene practices like handwashing, ensuring safe food handling, and maintaining clean living environments.

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Describe the life cycle of mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes go through four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Eggs are laid in water, where they hatch into larvae, then develop into pupae, and finally emerge as adult mosquitoes.

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How do control measures like water drainage help in managing vector-borne diseases?

Water drainage removes stagnant water where mosquitoes breed, thus reducing their population and the risk of disease transmission. It eliminates breeding sites and disrupts the mosquito life cycle.

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What role does education play in disease prevention efforts?

Education raises awareness about the importance of sanitation, hygiene practices, vaccination, and other preventive measures. It empowers individuals to make informed decisions to protect themselves and their communities from diseases.

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Can you explain the significance of oil spreading in vector control?

Oil spreading involves applying a thin layer of oil on stagnant water surfaces to suffocate mosquito larvae. This prevents them from reaching the surface to breathe, effectively controlling their population and reducing the risk of disease transmission.

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How do insecticides contribute to the control of vector-borne diseases?

Insecticides are chemicals used to kill adult mosquitoes and other disease vectors. They can be sprayed directly on adult mosquitoes or applied to breeding sites to target larvae. By reducing vector populations, insecticides help prevent the spread of diseases like malaria and dengue.

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