Courses » SS1 » SS1 Economics » Economics Exam Topics » Determinants of Equilibrium Price, Quantity And Point With Simple Applications - Questions and Answers

Determinants of Equilibrium Price, Quantity And Point With Simple Applications - SS1 Economics Past Questions and Answers - page 1


Word problem:

If the demand function is Qd = 60 - 2p and the supply function is Qs = 20 + 4p, what is the equilibrium level of quantity and price?



To find the equilibrium level of quantity and price, we need to set the demand function equal to the supply function and solve for Q and p:

Qd = Qs

60 - 2p = 20 + 4p

60 - 20 = 6p

40 = 6p

p = 40/6 = 6.67

Now that we have the value of p, we can substitute it into either the demand or supply function to find the equilibrium quantity:

Qd = 60 - 2p = 60 - 2(6.67) = 46.67

Qs = 20 + 4p = 20 + 4(6.67) = 46.68

The equilibrium level of quantity is approximately 46.67 units and the equilibrium price is approximately $6.67 per unit.


Users' Answers & Comments

Given the demand function Qd = 80 - 3p and the supply function Qs = 12 + 5p, what is the equilibrium level of quantity and price?


To find the equilibrium level of quantity and price, we need to set the demand function equal to the supply function and solve for Q and p:

Qd = Qs

80 - 3p = 12 + 5p

68 = 8p

p = 8.5

Now that we have the value of p, we can substitute it into either the demand or supply function to find the equilibrium quantity:

Qd = 80 - 3p = 80 - 3(8.5) = 55.5

Qs = 12 + 5p = 12 + 5(8.5) = 53.5

The equilibrium level of quantity is approximately 55.5 units and the equilibrium price is approximately $8.50 per unit.


Users' Answers & Comments

If the demand function is Qd = 36 - 6p and the supply function is Qs = 30 + 2p, what is the equilibrium level of quantity and price?


To find the equilibrium level of quantity and price, we need to set the demand function equal to the supply function and solve for Q and p:

Qd = Qs

36 - 6p = 30 + 2p

6p = 6

p = 1

Now that we have the value of p, we can substitute it into either the demand or supply function to find the equilibrium quantity:

Qd = 36 - 6p = 36 - 6(1) = 30

Qs = 30 + 2p = 30 + 2(1) = 32

The equilibrium level of quantity is 30 units and the equilibrium price is $1 per unit.


Users' Answers & Comments

How does an increase in demand affect the equilibrium price and quantity of a product?

An increase in demand causes an increase in both the equilibrium price and quantity of a product.


Users' Answers & Comments

How does a decrease in production cost affect the equilibrium price and quantity of a product?

A decrease in production cost causes a decrease in the equilibrium price and an increase in the equilibrium quantity of a product.


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