Factors Affecting The Size of Labour Force Particularly The Population Characteristics - SS1 Economics Past Questions and Answers - page 1
How can age impact the size of the labour force?
It can cause the labour force to shrink as more people retire.
It can cause the labour force to grow as more people enter the workforce.
c) It has no impact on the size of the labour force.
d) It only impacts the size of the labour force in certain industries.
It has no impact on the size of the labour force
It only impacts the size of the labour force in certain industries.
What impact can gender have on the size of the labour force?
It can cause the labor force to shrink.
It can cause the labor force to grow.
It has no impact on the size of the labor force.
It only impacts the size of the labor force in certain industries.
How can occupation impact the size of the labor force?
Certain industries may attract more people to the workforce.
Certain industries may discourage people from entering the workforce.
Occupation has no impact on the size of the labour force.
Occupation only impacts the size of the labour force in certain regions.
How can education impact the size of the labour force?
People with higher levels of education may be more likely to enter certain professions or industries.
Education has no impact on the size of the labour force.
People with lower levels of education may be more likely to enter certain professions or industries.
Education only impacts the size of the labor force in certain regions.
How can occupation impact the size of the labour force?
The size of the labour force can be affected by the types of jobs available in a particular area or industry.
How can education impact the size of the labour force?
Education: Education levels can also impact the size of the labor force, as people with higher levels of education may be more likely to enter certain professions or industries.