Problems of Business Financing In Nigeria - SS1 Economics Past Questions and Answers - page 1
What is one of the main challenges facing businesses in Nigeria in accessing finance?
Low-interest rates
Limited access to finance
High financial literacy
Strong government policies
What is the impact of high-interest rates on businesses in Nigeria?
It makes it easier for businesses to access affordable financing
It makes it difficult for businesses to access affordable financing
It reduces the risk of default for lenders
It encourages more investment in the economy
What is one of the reasons why some business owners in Nigeria struggle with financial management?
Lack of access to finance
High financial literacy
Limited understanding of financial management
Strong regulatory frameworks
What is the impact of inconsistent government policies on business financing in Nigeria?
It creates a stable economic environment
It creates uncertainty for investors
It leads to a reduction in corruption
It improves financial literacy among business owners
What is the impact of corruption on business financing in Nigeria?
It reduces the cost of borrowing
It makes it easier for businesses to access finance
It can affect business financing as some lenders may demand bribes before granting loans
It improves the regulatory framework
What are some of the challenges facing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Nigeria in accessing finance?
Some SMEs struggle to access finance due to their lack of collateral or credit history.
How can limited financial literacy affect businesses in Nigeria?
Limited financial literacy can affect businesses in Nigeria by making it difficult for business owners to prepare financial statements or understand loan terms.