Representation of Relief Forms - SS2 Geography Past Questions and Answers - page 2
Explain the significance of using contour lines on a topographic map.
Contour lines on a topographic map are essential for representing changes in elevation and relief, aiding navigation and understanding of terrain features.
Describe how to identify a valley on a map and what its representation typically looks like.
A valley on a map is identified by closely spaced contour lines forming a V-shape.
Why are conventional signs and symbols important for map readers?
Conventional signs and symbols are crucial for map readers because they convey information about topography and geographical features, making it easier to interpret and navigate on maps.
Provide an example of a geographical feature represented by concentric circles on a map, and what does it signify.
An example of a geographical feature represented by concentric circles on a map is a knoll, and it signifies a higher elevation at the center gradually decreasing toward the outer circles.
Explain the concept of a dissected plateau and the natural processes responsible for its formation.
A dissected plateau is a plateau that has been eroded by rivers, creating a network of valleys and ridges. River erosion is the primary process responsible for its formation.
Explain the concept of a dissected plateau and the natural processes responsible for its formation.
A dissected plateau is a plateau that has been eroded by rivers, creating a network of valleys and ridges. River erosion is the primary process responsible for its formation.