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Non-African (Shakespearean)Drama: "A Midsummer Night's Dream" - SS2 Literature Past Questions and Answers - page 2


What does Puck do to Lysander and Demetrius after they wake up from their enchanted sleep?


He makes them fall in love with Helena.


He makes them forget about Helena and love Hermia again.


He makes them fight each other to the death.


He makes them fall in love with each other.

correct option: b
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What happens to Bottom when he wakes up from his enchantment?


He has no memory of what happened to him in the forest.


He is transformed into a donkey.


He is in love with Titania.


He is suddenly very good at acting

correct option: a
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What happens to the mechanicals when they perform their play for the Duke and Duchess?


They are so bad that they are booed off the stage.


They are so good that they are offered jobs as actors at the Duke's court.


They are so funny that they make the Duke and Duchess laugh until they cry.


They are so boring that the Duke and Duchess fall asleep.

correct option: c
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Which of the following is a major theme of "A Midsummer Night's Dream"?


Love is a powerful and unpredictable force.


The importance of imagination and creativity.


The dangers of hubris and arrogance.


All of the above.

correct option: d
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Discuss the different ways in which Shakespeare uses the forest setting in "A Midsummer Night's Dream."

Shakespeare uses the forest setting in "A Midsummer Night's Dream" to create a world of magic and enchantment, where the normal rules of reality do not apply. The forest is a place where people can transform into animals, fairies can cast spells, and lovers can lose their way. It is also a place where people can escape from the constraints of everyday life and experience a sense of freedom and liberation.

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Analyze the relationship between the human and fairy worlds in the play.

The relationship between the human and fairy worlds in "A Midsummer Night's Dream" is complex and ambiguous. On the one hand, the fairies are often portrayed as mischievous and playful, and they sometimes interfere in the lives of humans for their own amusement. On the other hand, the fairies also have the power to help and heal humans. Ultimately, the relationship between the two worlds is one of interdependence and cooperation.

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How does Shakespeare use the character of Puck to explore the themes of love, illusion, and transformation?

Shakespeare uses the character of Puck to explore the themes of love, illusion, and transformation. Puck is a trickster figure who delights in playing pranks on both humans and fairies. He is also a powerful magician who can create illusions and cast spells. Puck's mischievousness can be seen as a reflection of the unpredictable and often chaotic nature of love. However, Puck also uses his powers to help the lovers in the play, and he ultimately helps to restore order to the world.

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Discuss the importance of the play-within-a-play in "A Midsummer Night's Dream."

The play-within-a-play in "A Midsummer Night's Dream" serves a number of purposes. First, it provides a comic contrast to the main plot of the play. Second, it allows Shakespeare to explore the themes of art, illusion, and reality. Third, it serves as a microcosm of the play as a whole. The mechanicals' performance of "Pyramus and Thisbe" is a clumsy and amateurish attempt to imitate the real world, just as the play itself is a stylized and artificial representation of human experience.

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What is the significance of the play's ending?

The ending of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" is significant because it suggests that the world can be restored to order after even the most chaotic and tumultuous events. The lovers are all reconciled, and the fairies and humans agree to live in peace and harmony. This suggests that, despite the challenges and obstacles that we may face in life, there is always hope for a happy ending.

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