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Animal improvement - SS3 Agriculture Past Questions and Answers - page 2


Explain the concept of genetic diversity in animal improvement and why it's important.

Genetic diversity refers to the variety of genes and traits present within a population of animals. It's crucial in animal improvement because it enhances the population's resilience and adaptability to changing environmental conditions and diseases. Maintaining genetic diversity helps prevent the risk of inbreeding and ensures the long-term survival of animal populations.

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Provide examples of how animal improvement can contribute to sustainable agriculture.

Animal improvement promotes sustainability in agriculture by developing breeds that are more resource-efficient, require less feed and water, and produce less waste. For instance, breeding for heat-resistant cattle reduces the environmental impact of livestock farming in regions experiencing rising temperatures.

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How does animal improvement differ between livestock and companion animals in terms of goals and methods?

Animal improvement in livestock typically focuses on enhancing productivity, disease resistance, and resource efficiency. In contrast, improving companion animals aims to produce pets with healthier traits and suitable temperaments. The methods involve selective breeding in both cases but with different emphasis on traits.

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Discuss the role of animal improvement in food security and its impact on the global food supply.

Animal improvement plays a significant role in food security by increasing the production efficiency of livestock. This ensures a consistent and affordable supply of animal-derived products, contributing to a stable global food supply and reducing the risk of food shortages.

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Explain the concept of "genetic bottlenecking" and its potential consequences in animal populations

Genetic bottlenecking occurs when a population is significantly reduced in size, resulting in a limited gene pool. This can lead to reduced genetic diversity, increased vulnerability to diseases, and a higher risk of inheriting harmful genetic traits. Animal improvement aims to prevent genetic bottlenecking by maintaining and expanding genetic diversity within populations.

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