Definition and meaning of conflict - SS3 Government Past Questions and Answers - page 1
What is conflict?
A situation in which parties have compatible goals
A situation in which parties have incompatible goals
A situation in which parties have no goals
What are the different forms of conflict?
Only violent confrontations
Ranging from minor misunderstandings to full-blown violent confrontations
Only disagreements
Ranging from minor misunderstandings to full-blown violent confrontations
What are the possible outcomes of conflicts?
Both positive and negative outcomes
Only negative outcomes
Both positive and negative outcomes
What can cause conflicts?
Differences in perspectives, expectations, resources, or power
Similarities in perspectives, expectations, resources, or power
No specific factors
Differences in perspectives, expectations, resources, or power
How can conflicts be resolved?
By ignoring them
By finding ways to address the underlying issues, communicate effectively, and negotiate mutually acceptable solutions
By escalating them to a higher authority
By finding ways to address the underlying issues, communicate effectively, and negotiate mutually acceptable solutions
What are the positive and negative outcomes of conflicts?
Conflicts can have both positive and negative outcomes.
What is the definition of conflict?
Conflict refers to a situation in which two or more parties have incompatible goals, interests, or values, leading to a disagreement, tension, or struggle between them.